The Investigation Agent
A downloadable game
this game in beta mode with arabic language
i will release english soon
I delete the game Cuz some issues and we will back soon
love you
في عام 2036م انفجرت محطتين الاولى بيلوجيه و الثانية نووية في الربع الخالي مما ادى الى تضرر مدينه "عين لامع" وأسفر ذلك عن وجود فيروس يصيب وظائف حيويه في الدماغ مما يجعل المصاب غير واع بما يفعل.....
و كان الانفجار متعمد و أرسلت الشرطه العميل سامي لاحد البيوت المشبوهه..... وتبدأ المغامره من ذلك البيت المشبوه
يتبع ......
In the year 2036 AD, two plants, the first biological and the second nuclear, exploded in the Empty Quarter, which led to the damage of the city of “Ain Lama’i” and this resulted in the presence of a virus that affects vital functions in the brain, making the patient unaware of what he is doing.....
And the explosion was intentional, and the police sent agent Sami to one of the suspicious houses..... and the adventure begins from that suspicious house
Continued ......
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i liked the feeling of having ton of ammo :D
here is my video about it and i hope you enjoy it :)
Hello dear…Shiro K Your experience of our game is appreciated, but we have not uploaded it completely … and it contains many errors …. We are still in the process of testing and improving… Try to play it after 10 days when you download the official version for you… with all respect